Andreas Zufle
I am an Associate Professor at Emory University specializing in spatio-temporal data mining with interdisciplinary applications in transportation, epidemiology, social science, and urban computing. My research focuses on Geosimulation, a paradigm that combines large-scale data generation and data mining to enhance decision-making. I am actively seeking motivated students and postdocs for various projects, including Trajectory Simulation, Uncertain Spatial Data Mining, Phylogenetic Data Mining, Reverse Nearest Neighbor Query Processing, and Spatial Clustering.
Recent Highlights:
- Appointed Associate Editor for IJGIS (2024).
- General Chair for ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference 2024.
- Received the Best Resource & Data Paper Award at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023.
- Conducting NSF-funded research on bias in infectious disease models.
- Participated in IARPA's HAYSTAC Program on human trajectory data.
I frequently collaborate across disciplines and have organized several workshops and conferences on spatial computing and epidemiology. I have received multiple awards and recognitions for my contributions to spatial data science.